Hello again, I finally have got some time on my hands to start back again at the Rudai23 course. It has been a hectic few weeks with our first year orientations and the start of the new term. I think curator tools like Pinterest and Storify offer libraries a superb way of visually representing in a very visual way things like events such as conferences, exhibitions et and even could be used to advertise special collections etc.
I would be very familiar with Pinterest as I would use this quite a lot in a personal capacity. It literally covers every subject under the sun with very interesting material. Storify is an application that I have only recently heard of. Having looked at it and explored some of it's features, it does offer potential for use in our Library.
We have just completed our first year orientation sessions for our Business and Humanities students, with nearly 700 in total. Our aim this year was to provide a library orientation that was fun, interactive and informative, all at the same time. To harness a buzz around the orientation, gimmicks were used such as a raffle for library bags, all of which provided content for our social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. I can see a role for Storify in outlining the story of the orientation with photos, feedback etc. I think it has the potential to slot into our social media circle of connectivity, that is linking in with our Facebook page, our Twitter feed, our photo album on Instagram and so on. The students who were involved in the orientation, might like to relive the part they played in the "story" as it were, such as when their friend asked a question or won a raffle. One of its greatest features is its ability to provide a timeline of the event and its ability to pull together different content items such as photos, tweets etc. It provides a very in the moment feel.
In terms of future potential library uses, conferences, seminars and training events spring to mind. It is definitely one application, I will be keeping in mind for future use.